Healthy Living Hacks

Curb cravings, cut sugar, and increase your fruit and veggie consumption with these 7 healthy living hacks

After college, I gained 40 lbs in a single year. It took me five years to lose the weight but have managed to keep it off since then. Click here for my story on weight gain and my struggle with weight loss. Here are the healthy living hacks I use to keep the weight off!

Substitute sugary drinks with tea

Avoiding sugary drinks is my number one healthy living hack. I dropped 10 lbs by doing only this. Water can get boring, so I drink lots of tea. Tea comes in so many different flavors, so choose a few and give it a try!

Use the apple test

Many of us eat not because we are hungry, but because we are bored, stressed, sad, etc. The next time you think you’re hungry, ask yourself if you’re hungry enough to eat an apple. If you are, have the apple. If not, you’re probably not that hungry.

Stock up on frozen fruits and veggies

Fresh is best, but frozen is also great, especially if you’re short on cash and time. I always make sure I have something frozen in case I don’t have time to go grocery shopping.


Sleep is always a struggle for me, but it’s so important for healthy living. You put your body through stress throughout the day, and sleep is necessary for recovery. If you’re working out, your body needs it to repair and build muscle tissue. Sleep affects your appetite, concentration, and mood, so make sure you’re getting enough.


Break your addiction to processed food with the 10-day pledge

If your diet consists of mostly processed food, you probably think healthy food tastes bland. You’ll need to retrain your palette to enjoy whole foods again. A great way to do this is with a 10 day processed food fast. The 10-day pledge the same as the 100 days of real food challenge, but it only lasts 10 days. If you’re up for 100 days go for it! You’ll cut out most processed foods and focus your diet around whole foods (fruits, veggies, meats, and whole grains). Click here for the pledge rules.

Swap sugar laden cocktails for wine or vodka soda 

A margarita or long island iced tea contains over 600 calories per serving. Have two or three of these in one night, and you’ve consumed over half the calories you need for the entire day. The only calories you consume in a vodka soda come from the vodka since there is no sugar in soda water. Wine is also another good option as long as it isn’t port or anything really sweet. An added health benefit of red wine is that it contains resveratrol, the same heart-healthy antioxidant found in berries and chocolate.

When an unhealthy craving hits, have a bunch of fresh veggies before giving into your craving

You’ll be less inclined to overindulge on a full stomach, and your body will thank you for giving it a dose of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Plus, the fiber from the veggies will help slow sugar absorption if you give in to your craving.

If you’re curious about how blood sugar level, insulin, and fat relate to each other check out this clip:


Raliene is mother to angel baby, Faith Xena. Faith was born with Trisomy 13, a chromosomal abnormality. Faith lived a wonderful life for seven whole days and continues to inspire others through #JourneyForFaith.

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